$49.00 USD

Every month

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Please read the program information page and Terms of Purchase to decide if it is the right fit for you. Pricing is in US dollars (current conversion rates apply). Due to the nature of this being a digital product and all materials will be made available to you instantly upon purchase, kindly note that refunds are strictly not available. This product is not a substitute for medical advice and does not include private consultations with a dietitian.

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IBS Freedom

🌟 What’s Included:
βœ”οΈ 30 week Low FODMAP meal plan
βœ”οΈ 6 modules, 5 workbooks, and 50+ videos
βœ”οΈ Twice-monthly coaching calls & community support

What is the IBS Freedom Membership?

IBS Freedom makes my proven IBS Freedom Approach accessible to everyone. You’ll get immediate access to all the tools you need to manage IBS symptoms and find relief, including:

πŸ“š The IBS Freedom Course
6 modules, 5 workbooks, 4 recipe books, and 50+ step-by-step videos to help you heal from and manage IBS symptoms for good!

🍎 Meal Plan & Recipes
30 weeks of low FODMAP meal plan with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipes to guide you through finding your personal food triggers (if any).

πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Coaching & Community
Twice-monthly live coaching calls and access to the IBS Freedom Community for personalized advice, support, and encouragement as you work through the program.


Give yourself the gift of IBS FREEDOM with my step-by-step approach that helps you: 
🍨 eat what you love again
πŸ’ƒπŸΌ feel confident in your body without bloat, and
πŸ’– feel better with IBS in as soon as two weeks!


What IBS Freedom Members say:

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! 
Today I am especially thankful for Jessie and IBS Freedom. My symptoms are under control, I feel so much better, and I have the tools I need to keep it that way.
I am much happier with myself, I am more aware of my food choices affecting my gut symptoms! The steps in the course are do-able and I really love the recipes!
- Patricia

I was back & forth between diarrhea and constipation with the diarrhea getting worse and worse. I tried to follow a Low FODMAP diet on my own, but it was overwhelming and I wasn't very successful.
The course lined everything out for me and made it easy to follow. She gave me hope. She helps take the stress out of the process. You don't have to be concerned if you are doing the right thing because you can trust her and she helps you stay on track.
- Camilla

I suffered from bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. It got so bad that I started to suffer from extreme anxiety over my health and eating food to the point I was starving myself.
I’m not afraid to leave my house anymore (I used to be afraid of leaving my house to drop my kids off at school or go grocery shopping, it was that bad) and I’m very excited to go on vacations again. This has been the best investment I have made on myself and I wish I signed up sooner!
- Lindsey